In order to keep amenities open to residents to the extent possible and to be compliant with the enhanced AHS COVID-19 restrictions which came into effect September 16/20 please note the following:
Effective IMMEDIATELY, all resident fob access to the Fitness Room, Games Room, and Indoor Pool/Hot tub have been deactivated.
GLR will operate under the AHS COIVD-19 Business Exemption Policy. Therefore, in order to re-activate your fobs for the above noted facilities you are asked to report to the Front Office (current hours are 9 AM – 4 PM seven days / week) with proof of vaccination as follows:
All residents 12 years of age and older who wish to access these facilities will need to provide official proof of at least 1 COVID-19 vaccination. Those who have only had one dose will need to provide proof of both vaccines before October 26, 2021 to ensure uninterrupted access.
Those 18 years of age and older will also need to provide photo ID.
Children under 12 years of age are exempt from these requirements, but must adhere to the posted regulations in these facilities which require adult supervision.
Once you have met these requirements, your fob access to the Fitness Room, Games Room, and Indoor Pool / Hot Tub will be immediately restored.
Please note: where reinstated, fob access to these facilities is restricted to those individuals (who have provided proof of vaccination and Photo ID (where required). Spot checks will be conducted by Resort Staff and AHS. Any violators will be denied access to the facilities, reported to AHS and fines imposed by AHS.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our community safe while abiding by the provincially mandated rules.
Stay safe!