***Important*** Strategic Plan and Project Updates

As a Board, lot owners have consistently asked us for two things:

  1. Greater transparency on how we are managing the resort
  2. Responsible spending to:
    • manage fees
    • preserve the quality and enjoyment of the resort
    • support/grow property values

Managing Gleniffer Lake Resort is like running a town and comes with significant complexity and challenges. Fortunately, we have a diverse Board with a wide range of business and technical skills along with a dedicated and skilled business team to deliver:

  • critical infrastructure like water and wastewater treatment, roads
  • amenities, including pools, community center, restaurant, marina, and golf course
  • services including operations, maintenance, administration, security, and condominium management

Transparency and Responsible Spending

To improve transparency and provide a clear direction, we are pleased to provide the attached Strategic Plan. This is a “living” document and we value your constructive feedback and questions to continually improve and refine our direction.

While the Strategic Plan provides a high-level view of where we are going, Project Plans detail how we are going to get there. We have also attached a summary of the key projects that are completed, currently under way, or planned. More projects will be initiated as resources and priorities allow.

Using the Strategic Plan framework, and initiating projects that will streamline and optimize our operation, helps us continually get the most from our investments. Project Teams are largely volunteers who bring expert advice and decades of experience to support the business team at no cost to the resort. Select the link to see a summary of the key projects: Project Plans Update Feb 15 2022

Your Opportunity to Get Involved

Provide feedback and ask questions by email feedback@mylakeresort.com , Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GlenifferLakeResort/ or through your Phase Board representatives.

Volunteer your expertise – we may need additional help on certain projects. If you have specific expertise and the time to assist, please let us know feedback@mylakeresort.com.

The Strategic Plan is critical to provide an overall direction and focus that creates value for the Condominium Corporations and Unit Holders. To be successful, it will take a dedicated group of business leaders and volunteers to complete the projects necessary to move the Strategic Plan forward as well as creating an open, collaborative environment for all stakeholders to shape our direction.

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