
We had some rain here at the Resort last night which has altered paving plans slightly.

Paving work is still expected to proceed on the Phase 4 road later today and crews are busy on the Resort Main Entrance road installing a culvert and preparing that road to be paved as well.

Phase 5 excavation work is complete and gravel and compaction is underway. Wood is onsite performing geotechnical analysis of compaction rates and the results thus far are 100% in terms of meeting or exceeding the recognized standard.

Paving in Phase 5 remains slated for Saturday, October 9th as per the communication yesterday. Access to Phases 2, 5, and 6 will not be available on Saturday, October 9th. They are expected to re-open on Sunday. Please see details in the communication sent via email and posted to the official Gleniffer Lake Resort & Country Club Facebook page yesterday.

Construction work of this type is weather dependant and it would be prudent to expect some variation in the published schedules; however, we will keep you updated as we are made aware of changes.

Thank you for your continued patience, understanding and support as we move to complete this project.

Best Regards;
Debbie Smith


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